My Manga Birthday Wishlist

As I’m sure none of you know, my birthday is fast approaching and I looooove getting presents. (I can be so spoiled, I know.) But instead of getting me things I’m just going to get myself eventually like a nice, long massage or a puppy, I’d rather get people get me something both easily obtainable and relatively cheap: MANGA!

Now, this July is shaping up to be an excellent month of fantastic manga releases, so why don’t we start with some of the hottest titles about to hit shelves?

First we’ll start off with the manga-influenced Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour, which hits stores July 20th. Actually, I’m just going to pin this one on my boyfriend since he so lovingly got me the first five volumes as my Valentine’s Day gift two years ago. Tamar, I’m expecting a copy of Scott Pilgrim and a pair of tickets for the movie adaption with a nice dinner to accompany it. (Don’t ever say I don’t tell you what I want!)

Next up on the list is a bunch of stuff from Vertical, which has a whole BUNCH of awesome manga, including the ones coming out this month. Peepo Choo comes out this month, but I’m probably going to get it for myself so Felipe Smith can sign it at Comic-Con, so skip that and head onto Chi’s Sweet Home and Twin Spica (vol. 1 & 2 because I haven’t gotten to pick up volume 1 yet!) If you really love me, then you’ll throw in a copy Buddha vol. 2 as well.

The next manga publisher that will automatically get me to love your birthday present to me is CMX. I spent a whole day at Anime Expo looking for From Eroica With Love volumes 12 and 13, despite the fact that I had 14 and 15. I’d also love a copy of Stolen Hearts vol. 2, My Darling, Miss Bancho and the first two volumes of The Name of the Flower. There are some other titles that I’d love certain volumes of, but that would make the list too  complicated! (Apothecarius Argentum volume 9!)

Other than that, I’ve been into collecting old TOKYOPOP series like Beck, Planetes and Queen’s Knight (volumes 2, 2 and 11, respectively.) I’ve also been collecting copies of Nextworld (Dark Horse Manga, volume 3, please), Club 9 (Also Dark Horse Manga, volume 2) and Chicago (Viz, volume 2 as well.)

If that doesn’t give you an idea what to get me, then just go find a Borders and hook me up with a nice gift card.

Giving me a birthday gift really is as simple as that.

Oops! I forgot about Mushishi vol. 8! Definitely looking forward to that one!

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6 Responses to My Manga Birthday Wishlist

  1. lys says:

    Aww, when’s your birthday? Mine’s coming up this month too! (on the 23rd) I’m trying to figure out what to put on my own wishlist… I do most of my own manga-buying, but there are a few series I’ve put off buying for far too long, so I’m thinking I might throw a couple titles on my list.

    I hope all your birthday dreams come true~!!

    • Mine’s actually August 5th. ^_^ These are totally just random things that I want that aren’t going to be terribly easy to find. (Mostly.) There’s tons of great stuff coming out this month, though, which makes it perfect for me. *_*

      I hope all your birthday dreams come true too. And a happy early birthday, of course.

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  3. Ahavah says:

    Unfortunately, nobody will be able to get you a copy of Apothecarius Argentum vol. 9 because CMX didn’t publish it before DC closed them down :'(

    It’s nice to see a fellow fan, though! With a lot of support, maybe we can get the series rescued (Yen Press, I choose you!) 😉

    • Argh! I thought they got that volume out before they shut down. ;_; Oh sadness.

      I hope somebody rescues them too. Yen Press is good at picking up those kinds of things and it’d be nice to see higher quality releases too. But if they never sold well, then I wonder if they’ll get rescued. (Not that DC did anything to sell the things!)

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