Hey everyone, it’s that time of year for me when I get to escape the country for two weeks, ignore all the Christmas bullshit (for the most part) and visit some exotic locale with my mother.
Last year, when I’d first begun this blog, it was rather sad to see no one reading from all the way in Colombia. I attempted to write about my trip, but that was a little unpopular. Plus, since my readership has rather exploded since this time last year, I don’t want to let all you lovely readers down.
That’s why I’m getting on my hands and knees and begging you to volunteer a guest blog for me while I’m in Thailand and Laos this year.
I’m going to be incredibly busy this year due to publishing deadlines right before (and after!) my departure and I’ll even be working on the trip. If only two people step up and write me a guest post, I’d be able to fill in some gaps myself. If more than two people volunteered, then there will be more for you guys to read!
If you should be so kind, here is what I would like:
-An informed or opinionated post discussing an issue or aspect of manga (or another kind of comics, or a related hobby.) Ex: prostitution in manga or inadequate marketing strategies. If you want to talk about the myriad of ways Japanese manga censors penises…Well, I’ll have to consider that one, but it sounds interesting, right?
-A review or critical analysis of a manga is fine too. I’m just not that good at those as some of my fellow bloggers. :3
-If you just want to discuss some aspect of fandom with readers, which usually end up being lots of fun, I’ll take it!
-As long or as short as you’d like, but somewhere around 700-1000 words.
-Try to keep it classy & legal. In other words, no posts about mpreg doujinshi and/or scanlations, please.
If you have any ideas, shoot me an e-mail at dorihuelagruber at gmail dot com before December 15th. Obviously, I can’t pay, but I’ll help you brainstorm if you need any help!
Thank you so much in advance, guys!
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