The 2010 Great Shoujo Manga Gift Guide

A few days ago, as I was shopping at Borders, I heard my first Christmas music of the season. Now Christmas music usually makes me want to kill people, but instead of taking it out on the checkout clerk, I decided it would be a good time to start writing this gift guide instead.

Yes, I am a total scrooge when it comes to Christmas, but there are other holidays coming up and this gift guide will be useful for all of them. But before we get started, I would like to remind you that you can find out more about the 2010 Great Manga Gift Guide here and also view other 2010 gift guides.

Now onto something that makes me much less grumpy…shoujo manga! (And some josei too, of course.)

The Prettiest, Shiniest Thing You Can Buy For That Special Someone Who Likes Pretty, Shiny Things

You guessed it! I’m talking about Moto Hagio’s A Drunken Dream and Other Stories. Oh yes, this is 288 pages of hardcover, gold embossed shoujo from a classic master of shoujo manga. Even better, while supplies last, you can get your giftee a copy with a signed plate from Hagio herself when you order the book from Fantagraphics directly. Filled with short stories that span Hagio’s career, this book isn’t for children, but anyone from your mature older teen (if you feel comfortable with them reading about issues like abortion and suicide attempts) to adults who still love a good shoujo fix, classical manga or just something different from the norm. It makes a fantastic read and an excellent coffee table book for someone who loves manga.

For The Naughty Girl

So maybe you’re looking for a manga for that special someone who just happens to be heavily into hilarious smut. If that’s the case, look no further than Butterflies, Flowers. There are very few raunchy shoujo or josei titles that get published in English and this is one of the few that does it successfully without turning the heroine into a pawn of the men vying for her. The relationship between the heroine, Choko, and her romantic interest, Masayuki, is very give and take. Choko used to be the daughter of a very rich family where Masayuki was a servant. Now their roles are reversed as she is a poor, lowly secretary at a real estate company and Masayuki is a high-class executive who likes to sexually harass her openly. But Choko doesn’t let him get away with jack squat if he embarrasses her and Masayuki’s teases are beyond humiliating sometimes. It’s like watching that really cute couple that always makes half-joking, but pointed comments at each other in manga form.

For Someone Who Likes The Cute (or Yotsuba&!)

The obvious choice for this category would be Otomen, but if you know your giftee is already collecting that series, what do you do? They’re going to get themselves the next volume anyway and you’d like to gift something they haven’t read so you can get that “OMG I LOVE THIS MANGA! Thanks for giving it to me! Is there more?” feeling. That’s why I suggest Bunny Drop, an adorable story about a 30-something office worker who decides to spontaneously adopt his 4-year-old aunt when his grandfather dies. (That’s where the Yotsuba&! part came from, if you were wondering.) Bunny Drop is mostly about Daikichi learning the ins and outs of caring for a young, emotional child, he also takes time to connect with her and learn about her mysterious past. Rin, however, steals the show with her cuteness. And, in my opinion, Bunny Drop is the best josei to come out this year.

For The Romantic Who Wants to Be Swept Away

Stepping on Roses by Rinko Ueda is classic romance novel fodder. Poor girl needs money, poor girl meets rich man who just  happens to need a stand-in wife that he doesn’t want to love, money exchanges hands and they wind up falling in love reluctantly. I seem to be one of the few bloggers who actually likes this series, most others think Sumi is a total limp noodle. When I first read it, I too was hesitant because of what other people had said. I was surprised that Sumi wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Sure, she’s clueless about the lifestyle of her rich husband, illiterate and much more, but she sticks to her guns and takes the opportunity to learn and do her job. I felt like Sumi was an English major suddenly stuck into an advanced engineering class. She has the pep and the ability to learn, but feels lost compared to the other characters who grew up in that environment. The important part is she never really loses her resolve. Perhaps I just really like Rinko Ueda’s manga, but she creates an awesome Meiji era/Victorian romance with lots of drama, a cheery heroine and awesome (albeit historically inaccurate) fashion.

For Your Future Astronaut

Twin Spica is like a dramatic space-age shoujo manga. That’s saying a lot because Twin Spica actually ran in a seinen magazine. Still, it reminds me a lot of the shoujo classic To Terra…, without the dramatic racial politics and the super-advanced civilization, of course. With the cute school girl heroine and the competitive astronaut school drama, it’s something any shoujo manga or scifi fan can enjoy. At the same time, it’s a great gift for someone who isn’t a fan of all the normal shoujo cliches and wants something a little bit more mature and original. It’s a little bit heavy and sad at times, but if your giftee isn’t the Arina Tanemura manga type, then a couple volumes of Twin Spica will make an excellent gift.

For The Graphic Novel Purist

Got someone in your life who you want to share your passion for manga with, but they’re more about the graphic novels? Perhaps you should pair Fumi Yoshinaga’s All My Darling Daughters with Natsume Ono’s Not Simple. Both are fantastic manga that focus more on the craft of storytelling than keeping the story going like many manga do. Any woman with a mother can relate to All My Darling Daughters and Not Simple’s tragic story is intriguing. They’re both great ways to show the reluctant reader that manga isn’t all just about ninjas and magical girls, but has a lot of titles to fit different tastes.

For The Fangirl

I know I shouldn’t do this because I worked on the series… I’ve been trying so hard not to, but…Hetalia: Axis Powers. There! I said it! If your giftee doesn’t already have it, then get it for them! If they didn’t like the anime, don’t take this as a bad sign. I’ve heard tons of people saying they liked the manga way more, but hated the anime and I can see why. The anime was fujoshi-fied in order to make more money, but the manga is a lot less overwhelmingly cutesy and more about the political/historical relationships. If all else fails, TOKYOPOP has a lot of charming shoujo manga in their catalog. But I shouldn’t say anymore! NRGH, THIS IS SO HARD!!!! Seriously, they’ve put out some great shoujo in the past few years. I just don’t feel right pimping more than one recent title.

For The Shoujo Fan Who’s Read Every Single Japanese Manga You Can Think Of

Have an extensive shoujo collector to shop for? Get her started on sunjeong manhwa! There’s plenty of cute titles out there like 10, 20, 30, X Diary and Please, Please Me from Netcomics. Yen Press has a pretty substantial sunjeong manhwa catalog and TOKYOPOP has a ton of out of print manhwa that were very under-appreciated, so you can probably find some in a bargain bin somewhere. (Sadly, but at least it’s cheap, right?)

For Your Shoujo Manga Fan/Foodie

There are actually a lot of manga that fit this category out there, but I love Mixed Vegetables the best. It’s about two kids in a culinary high school who have dreams to be a pasty chef and a sushi chef, but the one dreaming of being sushi chef is the daughter of a pastry chef and the one dreaming of being a pastry chef is a son of a sushi chef! Obviously, they team up to help each other achieve their dreams, but along the way there’s a lot of romance, drama and focus on delicious sushi and pastries! Nummers. It’s a typical shoujo manga in a lot of ways, but at the same time, a bit like a shounen manga where the protagonists are fighting to reach their dreams.

For The One Who Still Stumps You

I’ll always recommend this as long as I live: gift cards. If you truly have no clue, there is nothing better than a good chunk of money (at least $25) on a bookstore gift card. Or a local comic book store gift card (assuming they have a substantial manga section) or a Right Stuf gift card. That way, your giftee will get the money to spend on whatever manga they want and you will know they will be satisfied with that next volume or two of their favorite series.

In case you didn’t find what you were looking for with this list, you can also check out my Shoujo Manga Gift Guide from last year. Happy shopping!

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12 Responses to The 2010 Great Shoujo Manga Gift Guide

  1. Pingback: 2010 Great Manga Gift Guides | All About Manga

  2. Lissa says:

    Excellent list of titles ^^ Great variety across genres and companies. Seeing Bunny Drop and Butterflies, Flowers in particular make me extra happy.

    I’d definitely second the majority of them though, with only real exception of Stepping on Roses which is just… well, yeah. I reserve my thoughts for elsewhere 😉

    • Sweet! Glad you like the gift guide. I was trying really hard to come up with fairly unique stuff and then veering down strange paths for stuff that’s not your typical shoujo, but I hope it’ll expose some readers to new titles that appeal to shoujo lovers.

      As for Stepping on Roses… Yeah, yeah, but I still enjoy it. I just think Sumi isn’t as weak as everyone makes her out to be and I bet, like in other Rinko Ueda manga, she’ll get stronger as the manga progresses. But at the same time, I really like Rinko Ueda’s work, so I am a liiiiiiitle biased. Oh well, I don’t think she’s any worse than some of Arina Tanemura’s drippy heroines. I can’t stand most of those characters…

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  4. lys says:

    I want someone to gift some of these to me! (the few I don’t already have, haha~) I need to read more of Stepping on Roses to decide what I think of it (my library has been thwarting my recent attempts to do so), but from the first volume I found it interesting! Rinko Ueda does have a way of getting me all swept up in the sparkly shoujo-magic of her stories. And I didn’t think Sumi was such a bad heroine either!

    My Heavenly Hockey Club is my favourite food-manga, though I liked Mixed Vegetables too. I just find it endlessly amusing that a manga supposedly about field hockey spends most of its pages as travel- and food-manga. Only Ai Morinaga…

    Tokyopop’s recent shoujo acquisitions have been AWESOME, I have to say. There are so many titles I’m currently in love with (VB Rose!), or eagerly anticipating… (Lady Kanoko! the one about the cleaning-obsessed kid! Yamada Nanpeiiiiiii!!!) I still miss CMX, and always will, but I’m glad Tokyopop is there to fill in some of the gaps in my shoujo-loving heart (and bookcase).

    • Yay! I’m glad! You can always point your friends and family in the direction of my post, yeah? 😀
      Rinko Ueda is definitely great at sweeping you up in her stories, but it really helps if you let her and not get caught up in the details. Still, to some, having a heroine like Sumi is a huge hangup… I guess I’m just OK with it since I loved Tail of the Moon too. But oh man, Ueda doesn’t really go for historical accuracy. All of Sumi’s dresses are from Lolita fashion labels, not based on actual Victorian age dresses. It throws me off sometimes because Sumi dresses like she’s a child, by Victorian era standards.

      My Heavenly Hockey Club isn’t exactly what you’d call a food manga though. There’s definitely a big hangup on food, but it’s mostly snacking… Mixed Vegetables is more about cooking/learning about how to make food. It’s certainly more like Oishinbo, which is definitely a foodie manga.

      I’m SOOOOO glad you like TOKYOPOP’s lineup. Their recent acquisitions and older titles alike, they have a strong shoujo lineup. Unfortunately, I don’t think people realize that and/or a lot of them turn to scanlations instead. I might work for them now, but I still try to support them financially when I can. (Besides, it’s not like I can help myself to their entire backlog…) I’m really hoping with Asako Suzuki from CMX at TOKYOPOP now, they can acquire some of the more awesome shoujo licenses CMX had.

  5. Pingback: Weekend Binge « MangaBlog

  6. miz says:

    Nice title set.. hmm.. I am in the category of cute then, since I like Bunny Drop a lot, but not for Yotsuba.. but I find it a great slice of life!

  7. Pingback: 2010 Great Manga Gift Guide: Week 2 | All About Manga

  8. Pingback: Wrap Up: The 2010 Great Manga Gift Guide is over! | All About Manga

  9. Pingback: All About Manga Turns 2! | All About Manga

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