Welcome to Webcomics Wednesdays

I know this blog focuses mostly on manga, but I figured that it would be fun to do a regular post on something a little different: webcomics.

It’s not big secret that I love webcomics. I’ve been reading them since I was 14, perhaps a little earlier. I’ve tried my own hand at webcomics. (I’m not sharing.) I met my boyfriend reading his old webcomic, Blue Zombie, back when we were in high school and now I edit his current endeavor, Lumia’s Kingdom. We even collaborated once, very briefly, and I still write comics that I would like to become webcomics had I the talent and time to draw them.

I certainly haven’t read every single webcomic out there, like PVP or Penny Arcade for instance. (Both target gamers, which I am not.) Still, it’s a little hard for me to ignore webcomics when popular ones get picked up by larger publishers (Megatokyo and, technically speaking, Hetalia) or when the creators take it to the next level and self-publish.

No webcomic creator will tell you that it’s easy to do, but with more and more successful webcomics going these routes, it’s certainly taking the stigma off of making them. On top of that, webcomics have the potential to be successful in different ways than print media can be. They can target the niche markets and gain a large following with relatively little cost (compared to the risk of starting a completely new title that a large publisher has to take.) Webcomics are thus a lot more diverse and daring in subject matter than the world of publishing because there is no one telling creators that their webcomic won’t sell. Best of all, creators own the rights to their work and fans will come out of the woodwork to directly support them with books and merchandising.

So thus I hope to introduce a new weekly feature on my blog that explores webcomics, starting with a few webcomics that have made the leap to print, and talk about how they contribute to the vast world of comics. If all goes well, I’ll also be able to include interviews and guest posts from creators themselves, as well as exploring webcomics-related issues. I’ll try to post faithfully on Wednesdays in the spirit of alliteration and recommend a lot of good webcomics for you to read.

For starters, some of my long-time favorites:
Questionable Content (Which, I think I have been reading the longest.)
Hark! A Vagrant (I am a total history nerd and I love the sarcastic take.)
Red String (Romantic shojo and also a long-time favorite.)
Johnny Wander (Adorable auto-biographical comics.)

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7 Responses to Welcome to Webcomics Wednesdays

  1. Yan says:

    You’re absolutely right when you mention that webcomics topics are allowed to be more risque. After all, the most they’re putting on the line is readership.

    Questionable Content is one of my favorite webcomics to read, actually, so your recommending it makes me quite happy.

    Are you looking for any recommendations for future iterations or are you good so far?

    • That’s right. The only person they have to say “no, you can’t do this” is themselves and possibly some friends or collaborators. With publishers involved, creators get a lot of no’s from the get-go. I can only imagine, but I bet it’s more than a little creatively stifling.

      RECOMMENDATIONS ARE ALWAYS GOOD. Seriously, I love picking up awesome new webcomics and that way other people can see other readers’ recommendations. PLEASE SHARE, PLEASE.

  2. Shouri says:

    As I’ve said before, great idea, I look foward to read these posts! 🙂 Here are some (cute!!!) suggestions

    and http://www.springiette.net

  3. Apple says:

    [shameless plug sort of]

    Part of the creation of Yaoi Briefs was to promote independently produced yaoi manga and webcomics. We’re kind of slowly (very slowly) getting things together, but when that’s up and going, do you want me to send a few webcomics/printed editions your way? (I won’t be offended by a “no;” if you don’t want that kind of material on your blog or if you’re not interested, I understand 😀 )

    [/shameless plug sort of]

    Also, Red String! <3 She's a good example of a success story.

  4. Pingback: My Life As a (Rookie) Editor: Playing Catchup « All About Manga

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