Former Aurora Publishing Employees Start Manga Factory

Just when I thought the manga publishing industry was waiting for another awful blow, the industry gets a leg up instead!

Aurora Publishing was supposedly put on sale last month by it’s Japanese subsidiary Ohzora Publishing, but Aurora’s former staffers have now opened up Manga Factory completely free of Ohzora.

The new company is selling old Aurora manga on their website and at Anime Expo this week, where they will have a booth in the Exhibit Hall.

The company is also selling it’s first new title, Teen Apocalypse: Guilstein, in the Amazon Kindle store. The company website states that they will “also provide digital and print production services, as well as mobile device development for iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle and more.” Will the company put more effort into digital distribution than print? It remains to be seen, but with their first title only available online, my bet is on digital.

I am personally looking forward to seeing what Manga Factory brings to the table and excited to hear that from the ashes of one company, another can arise. The best of luck to Manga Factory!

For more imformation on Manga Factory, check out their newsletter and the Anime News Network’s post.

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3 Responses to Former Aurora Publishing Employees Start Manga Factory

  1. Apple says:

    >from the ashes of one company

    They are the phoenix. XD

  2. Pingback: Anime Expo 2010: Day One « All About Manga

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